Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy Candy Month!

                                   June is National Candy Month. 
                          What is your favorite guilty sugar rush?


David Hobbs: Peanut Brittle & Caramels

 Jaime/Marketing: Gummy Bears

 Liz/BDC: Reese's Cups

Sarah/BDC: Chocolate

Mike/Service:  Skittles

John/Service: Sourpatch Kids

Mike/Parts Manager: Twix Bar 

Why We Are A Dealer FOR the People.

Why We Are A Dealer FOR the People... 

Just a couple years ago, customer service at David Hobbs Honda was always our motto and goal. And you know what? We were pretty good at it. Our repeat and referral business was consistent and we had a strong service business too. But yet I noticed something wasstill missing.

It occurred to me we were all becoming more and more disillusioned with the state of the automotive market. The economy was in a recession and competition was employing cutthroat practices. And there was becoming less face to face customer interaction in the way local dealers were selling online. The selling/buying experience overall was becoming a robotic and impersonal day-in and day-out routine. My long-time salespeople weren't happy and I was stressed. I found that I was starting to dread a job that I used to wake up in the morning feeling excited about. 

And then suddenly... I got a wake-up call. Right out of the blue my childhood and long-time best friend suddenly died of a heart attack and he was three months younger than I. It really made me take stock of my situation.  So I personally decided that I had to make a change in the direction of my work life, not just for myself but for my employees. I wanted to do something different that would bring satisfaction to my team again and those that we have served for over twenty-five years in the community. Something that wasn’t just about pushing metal out the door with a faceless online quote. I wanted to help SOLVE our customer's problems in a meaningful way. 

With the country still in recovery and so many people struggling with jobs, paychecks and just trying to keep their heads above water, I wanted us to help our customers get a nicer, newer car within their means and dreams. And that is exactly what we have been transitioning into this year: A Dealer FOR The People.   My staff and I are excited again to deliver a great experience by helping each customer solve whatever auto, financial or credit challenges they may have. 

                      We look forward to the opportunity to work with you!

                                            Gregory Hobbs